Hatred Hinders Hope

VNessa Erlene
1 min readJun 28, 2024

You’re Going Nowhere

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

No one gets out of this life alive

A truth we all must face

Yet hate is the poison we contrive

Degrading the human race.

We harbor grudges, fuel the fire

With bitterness and spite

Blindly adding to the pyre

Turning day into endless night.

All the hate we feel towards others

Makes us look like fools

Assholes forgetting we’re all brothers

Breaking humanity’s rules.

Our hearts grow heavy

weighed by fear

Blinded by anger’s haze,

While hope and love seem to disappear

Lost in a vengeful blaze.

We fight, we curse, we build our walls

Drowning in our hate

Ignoring compassion’s gentle calls

Choosing a darker fate.

But no one gets out of this life alive

So why let malice reign?

When kindness and love can help us thrive

And heal our deepest pain.

Hate hinders hope, a tragic plight

Tearing us apart

But we can choose to seek the light

To heal each broken heart.

Let’s cast aside our needless rage

Embrace a peaceful shore

For in the end, as life turns the page

Love’s the legacy we’ll adore.



VNessa Erlene

A Ph.D. student and Celtic Priestess who is an explorer of knowledge, spirituality, and political incorrectness. Your voice and knowledge are your power!